Mystery Hymn
I was in worship this morning and it definitely felt good. My sweetheart and our son were both too sick to come, so I went to Solana Beach Presbyterian Church by myself. We prefer the contemporary service which isn't really contemporary anymore. I went to folk mass a lot as a kid and I guess it stuck. I'm not ready for the alternative service on a regular basis as I want to preserve my hearing, such as it is. ;-) I started out as a child at the Catholic Church and became a Protestant in my early twenties after attending the Presbyterian Church for a couple years. I followed a beautiful girl to a youth group and was treated so well that I stayed and committed my life to Christ. Anybody else have a crush on someone and follow them to church or somewhere similar?
This morning I was having some difficulty clearing my mind for worship and said a quick "help me" prayer to Jesus. Soon I was so into the hymn that I didn't notice someone coming down the row to join his wife. He had to get my attention to ask if he could pass by. Being that involved in worship through song felt good. That's what I call a Faith Moment.
You can check out my church by clicking on the title of this first post. I checked at and this is what I found for the two words that compose the name of this blog:
ves·sel ( P ) Pronunciation Key (vsl)
A hollow utensil, such as a cup, vase, or pitcher, used as a container, especially for liquids.
Nautical. A craft, especially one larger than a rowboat, designed to navigate on water.
An airship.
Anatomy. A duct, canal, or other tube that contains or conveys a body fluid: a blood vessel.
Botany. One of the tubular conductive structures of xylem, consisting of dead cylindrical cells that are attached end to end and connected by perforations. They are found in nearly all flowering plants.
A person seen as the agent or embodiment, as of a quality: a vessel of mercy.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Late Latin vscellum, diminutive of Latin vsculum, diminutive of vs, vessel.]
im·per·fect ( P ) Pronunciation Key (m-pûrfkt)
Not perfect.
Grammar. Of or being the tense of a verb that shows, usually in the past, an action or a condition as incomplete, continuous, or coincident with another action.
Botany. Having either stamens or a pistil only. Used of a flower.
Law. Not legally enforceable: an imperfect contract.
A piece of merchandise having a minor flaw that does not impair its use, usually sold at a discount.
Abbr. imp. or imperf. Grammar.
The imperfect tense.
A verb in the imperfect tense.
[Middle English imparfit, from Old French imparfait, from Latin imperfectus : in-, not; see in-1 + perfectus, perfect; see perfect.]
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God Bless You!