Sunday, January 01, 2006

Psalm 86

New Year's Day 2006!

How far off that seemed in the 1970's and 1980's! I mean, even the Brady Bunch made 2000 seem like a far off future. The Twilight Zone before it did something similar for the 1970's, though I suppose Rod Serling had more of an "It's just around the corner with possible nuclear holocaust" idea in mind.

I know that I did not achieve all my past resolutions. Did you? Today we can all start with a clean slate. How wonderfully like a clean slate with God is New Year's Day. A cultural celebration that permits us to start over... Take advantage of it!

My one resolution is to lose 40 lbs this year.

No big long list.

Of course, growing closer to the Lord is an ever-present desire and that makes it "above the list", by my reckoning. [Growing closer to Jesus is my organic choice and has been since I started to take my faith seriously. I believe it's important to make our choices in these areas of faith and not simply follow what someone has proscribed. That choice may also be related to the fact that one of my spiritual gifts is faith. From praying with my son over the years, I know that his choice would probably be that he "know what God wants him to do." What's your "Hall of Fame", ever present prayer that YOU choose?] I will probably also learn more about the proper use of commas and punctuation - ;-) - but I digress...

Psalm 86

Your assignment, if you choose to accept it. I read it and prayed before 7:30 am on New Year's Day 2006. Just in case you're wondering, I stayed up past midnight with my loving family last night. You can read more about my experience with Psalm 86 this morning by adding your email address to my new Faith Experiences newsletter, ezine, whatever description you prefer.

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Happy New Year!

God Bless You!

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